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Kuro Kenji

ROLE: The hacker
Kenji seems, at first glance, like every girls’ worst nightmare! Although it is certainly true that he has an unhealthy obsession with the opposite sex, he is actually a great person to be around, with an electrifying sense of humour and an infectious laugh. He doesn’t seem to get on well with others, but beneath the surface it is possible that a need for others’ attention lurks. He is a brilliant hacker, and could almost certainly get a job with any of the leading computer companies… but he seems happy enough… for now….

Kuro Kichi

ROLE: The martial artist
Kichi can often be belligerent and bad tempered, and strongly dislikes having to live with the other Jyuunishi – or so she claims. It is possible that she secretly enjoys having people she can rely on and seems to have become particularly close to the other members of the combat team. She also secretly likes cute fluffy things… but shhhh! It’s a secret! In addition to this, she is the Jyuunishi’s secret weapon, capable of winning against a Geist twice her height and weight. She has had extensive martial arts training, and has a particular penchant for Bruce Lee movies.

Kuro Hyaku

ROLE: The binder
Hyaku has a pacifistic and sometimes irritating personality, and tends to like people, regardless of whether or not they like her. She likes reading and often has to act as the peacemaker. Although she has an extreme dislike of violence, she is perfectly capable of using it when provoked. She enjoys life and the ideal of saving people, and can be contrastingly word weary and dangerously naïve. Hyaku traps the Geists using ectoplasmic ropes, and because of this has had to learn agility, despite her naturally clumsy disposition. She is also very fast, and makes up for these short bursts of activity by sleeping too much!

Kuro Aeris

ROLE: The gunner
Aeris is sometimes quiet, sometimes loud, but is always cynical and often impatient. She has adapted well to “family” life, generally by ignoring the chaos around her and only interfering when absolutely necessary. She also reads often, and likes climbing – but dislikes heights! There are times when she has to protect her team from the problems they cause, and sometimes she is the cause of them. She hates school, and attempts to get out of it as often as possible. She is the older sister of Midori. Aeris has many guns, of varying sizes, of which she is very attached to. She likes to polish them while listening to heavy metal, and often gives them names. Her favourite is called Nikita.

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